Our Ultimate Spiritual Growth Course through Effective Ritual Magick
See their findings below
Did You know…The proper working of ritual is at the very heart of the Western Magical Tradition?
This NEW REVOLUTIONARY RITUAL MAGICK COURSE shows exactly how specific carefully selected ritual techniques, can be used to concentrate and harness the enormous psychic and spiritual potential of human consciousness, like no other form of Magick in existence!
What would it be like if you could have solid solutions to problems you frequently face?
… and finally put an end to them
… for good?
What would that mean to you? Perhaps an easier more fulfilling life? Total peace of mind?
Time Freed to enjoy the good things in Life without the burden of stress or disappointment weighing in your shoulders?
Find yourself being able to finally breathe easily without worry, or a life without the tensions that come when the stresses of life begin to build up and overwhelm you… Just think about that for a minute…
Picture your perfect day, how would it be like? How would it look like? Can you see yourself smiling and being there in that moment, now? and being able to live that perfect day each and every day from this day forward!
This is a very attainable reality that the few blessed people who have truly mastered Ritual Magick give testimony to…and you soon can join their ranks.
And If you are still new and approaching magic for the first time,
you can now discover how Ritual magic works, you know, the keys and proper workings are essential, but few get to know them all…until now that is.
Because we give them all to you right here, not a trickle but ALL the ESSENTIALS YOU REALLY NEED, we put them all here for you to benefit from.
By the way since we are on that topic, did you know that the keys and proper workings are essential, but that very few people actually get to know them all?
That is an astonishing fact…
Until now that is.
Because we will give them all to you right here, not a trickle but ALL the ESSENTIALS YOU REALLY NEED to get the most out of your Ritual Magick Practice, we put them all here for you to benefit from immediately.
We created a Magickal and Spiritual fountain, so to speak, made up of the light of knowledge in Magick and Spiritual practice just for you! So you could get it all in one place and go further with Ritual Magick in one year than most ever do in their entire lifetime.
And as far as Leslie and I know, this is the very first time anyone has done this…
I can promise you this much., if you the work diligently, you will reap the rewards.
Read the testimonials and see for yourself, we even give you a 60 day money back guarantee to remove any risk for you in test driving our entire Ritual Magick System.
Once mastered these keys will unlock the possibilities to solve what you need solutions for,
and manifest that rich quality of life, of your wildest dreams like no other forms of magick ever known (IF YOU DO THE WORK THAT IS!)
Go back and take a minute to bring up in your mind that image of your perfect day, because instead of simply feeling, seeing and thinking about it…you can actually get to live it for real!
And If you are more seasoned and experienced with Magick, you might find yourself deepen your knowledge of ritual magic even further, with our unique NEW course of spiritual study and practical modules in magick, to the point where almost everything you attempt works perfectly the first time you perform it.
This isn’t a brag this is what we aimed to help magicians just like you to accomplish, this is the aim of the course too.
Learn How and why magick can become an important part of your life by performing the rituals enclosed.
We will guide you with a historical, theoretical, and the best practical introduction to the effective world of magick ever released to the public.
–not mere myth and delusion nor tricks and illusion, but Real Magick that science is now finally beginning to acknowledge as real and effective.
Suppose everything you have tried so far didn’t quite work out the way you expected, or the results you got were minimal?
You might find yourself more than pleasantly surprised with your new found abilities as you progress through this REAL RITUAL MAGICK COURSE.
Scientific American recently published an in depth article about their findings on the validity and effectiveness of Ritual Magick…Science is no longer scoffing…they are standing up and taking notice!
The results give the most solid validation of just how effective proper Ritual Magick is and how it can benefit you – and this beats out almost all other types of magick that don’t follow the time proven tested methods it entails.
In Ritual Magic you will learn what is possible with magic. Can magic bring rains from a clear sky? Can it calm stormy seas? Can real magic change the outcome of great battles? Can you use magic to improve your life? The answers to these and many other questions will be found in Ritual Magic.

The following is a definitive report from FROM SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN
Why Rituals Work
There are real benefits to rituals, religious or otherwise
Rituals take an extraordinary array of shapes and forms.
At times performed in communal or religious settings, at times performed in solitude; at times involving fixed, repeated sequences of actions, at other times not.
People engage in rituals with the intention of achieving a wide set of desired outcomes, from reducing their anxiety to boosting their confidence, alleviating their grief to performing well in a competition – or even making it rain.
Recent research suggests that rituals may be more rational than they appear. Why? Because even simple rituals can be extremely effective.
Rituals performed after experiencing losses – from loved ones to lotteries – do alleviate grief, and rituals performed before high-pressure tasks – like singing in public – do in fact reduce anxiety and increase people’s confidence.
What’s more, rituals appear to benefit even people who claim not to believe that rituals work. While anthropologists have documented rituals across cultures, this earlier research has been primarily observational. Recently, a series of investigations by psychologists have revealed intriguing new results demonstrating that rituals can have a causal impact on people’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
In the late 1910s, anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski lived among the inhabitants of islands in the South Pacific Ocean.* When residents went fishing in the turbulent, shark-infested waters beyond the coral reef, they performed specific rituals to invoke magical powers for their safety and protection.
When they fished in the calm waters of a lagoon, they treated the fishing trip as an ordinary event and did not perform any rituals.
Malinowski suggested that people are more likely to turn to rituals when they face situations where the outcome is important and uncertain and beyond their control – as when sharks are present.
Rituals appear to be effective, but, given the wide variety of rituals documented by social scientists, do we know which types of rituals work best?
In a recent study conducted in Brazil, researchers studied people who perform simpatias: formulaic rituals that are used for solving problems such as quitting smoking, curing asthma, and warding off bad luck.
People perceive simpatias to be more effective depending on the number of steps involved, the repetition of procedures, and whether the steps are performed at a specified time.
While more research is needed, these intriguing results suggest that the specific nature of rituals may be crucial in understanding when they work – and when they do not.
Despite the absence of a direct causal connection between the ritual and the desired outcome, performing rituals with the intention of producing a certain result appears to be sufficient for that result to come true.
While some rituals are unlikely to be effective – knocking on wood will not bring rain – many everyday rituals make a lot of sense and are surprisingly effective.
Why You NEED to get in on this NOW!
There are several magical systems that have been developed throughout the ages that teach people on how to control one’s thoughts in order to achieve anything in life, one of which is the art of Ritual Magic.
Ritual magic is one of the oldest systems that utilizes psychic forces by using mental training, a system of symbols, and concentration and specifically vibrated words of power to connect with the inner self and ‘program’ the mind.
Its main purpose is to alter one’s self, and the environment according to one’s will.
To eventually become more than human.
This NEW groundbreaking Course will provide you with many practical methods about the ancient system of ritual magick.
Introducing…A Simple, Effective, And Grounded Spellcasting System To Help You Navigate Through The Chaos Of Today
Created and Compiled specifically with you in mind by two of the most senior practicing Magicians in the Western world today ,David Griffin and Leslie McQuade. Witch Queen Leslie McQuade and I (David Griffin) have really pooled all our 70 plus years of practical Magick experience to produce Spellcasting Essentials, our brand new course designed to give you a firm grounding in the essential skills of Spellcasting, to bring you up to a required level of magical ‘know-how’ power and confidence that will serve you time and time again and not fail you…

Leslie is a trained anthropologist and had the great privilege to study as a disciple of various Holy Men and Holy Women around the world. While living on the island of Okinawa, Leslie learned Spellcasting from a native Okinawan Shamaness called Yuki. Leslie later trained with respected Native American Holy Man, Manny Two Feathers, who created what he called “Core Sundance.” Manny distilled core elements of Sun Dance from tribal Rites across North and South America, using Leslie’s applied anthropology to reconstruct and revive important aspects of traditional Sun Dance that otherwise may have been lost forever. Numerous Sundance celebrations around the USA today carry on reconstructed and revived practices of Manny Two Feathers’ Core Sundance.
As for me, I am a Hermetic Master, Rosicrucian Imperator and high Initiate of these traditions. I wrote the Ritual Magick Manual, regarded by many as the definitive grimoire of Golden Dawn Magick. I teach Rosicrucian Magick and Hermetic Alchemy and bring the ancient Hermetic Laws of Manifestation to Spellcasting.
Leslie and I created Spellcasting Essentials to provide you with a set of principles and methods guaranteed to give you a strong base in the essential skills necessary to cast Spells that are guaranteed to work every time.
I just want to thank you for giving me the chance to be in the test trial of the course of ritual magick., I was hesitant in the first few weeks, but then things happened quickly, am I dreaming? This is really good. Vannessa T. Turnball Kansas, USA
In a speedy, efficient, useful and instantly practical manner as possible…all here for You…
…and…without cutting any corners…
And this is a NEW course. We specifically tuned it and refined it…to help build the essential skills most needed but most often overlooked in even more seasoned Magicians and Spellcasters.
Why You NEED to get in on this NOW!
There are several magical systems that have been developed throughout the ages that teach people on how to control one’s thoughts in order to achieve anything in life, one of which is the art of Ritual Magic.
Ritual magic is one of the oldest systems that utilizes psychic forces by using mental training, a system of symbols, and concentration and specifically vibrated words of power to connect with the inner self and ‘program’ the mind.
Its main purpose is to alter one’s self, and the environment according to one’s will.
To eventually become more than human.
This NEW groundbreaking Course will provide you with many practical methods about the ancient system of ritual magick.
Spellcasting Essentials Is All Beef!
…Protein and Nutrients to give you what you need to grow strong and reach your full potential…so to speak in a magical sense.
Therefore… if you have ever felt stuck, or disappointed or even worried…
There is help! I want to give you those tools now!
And this course aims to empower you through developing Real Effective Essential Skills in Spellcasting… like no other!
‘’This course made all the difference; it has put me on the right track and already brought me abundance in many areas of my life I wanted but never achieved until this course.’’–Kenny L. Newport, UK
We have put together this full NEW course to take you to a level where you MASTER the essentials so you can start enjoying results sooner rather than later.
Introducing Spellcasting Essentials…

Magick That Works The First Time, Every Time
With Spellcasting Essentials…you will have a powerful foundation like no other. And this is a Brand New course. We specifically tuned it and refined it…to help build the essential skills most needed but most often overlooked in even more seasoned Magicians and Spellcasters.
This course is designed for beginners–but is suitable for anyone that wants to ensure your Future rituals/Spells will work!
No more Failures, No more Backfires, No more Disappointments…only success!
“I did not know Ritual Magick would be this easy or as satisfying to perform, I am seeing real manifestations of my dreams. Who knew Ritual Magick was the answer? I’m sold.” -Pierre Tibbleau Quebec Canada
Give your Spells the solid basis, secrets and essentials that insure success! And bring you peace of mind knowing you will get the results you expect.
If this sounds just like what you can do with more of…
then read on my friend…
…because your eyes are about to open even wider as I introduce you to endless possibilities…
Take A Look At A Breakdown Of Everything You Get In This New Ritual Magick Course

You get 19 information packed practical video lessons, plus 19 Deluxe Full-Color Transcripts all for you to instantly access and begin enjoying the magical lessons that will give you the keys to overflowing abundance for life!
Let’s take a deeper dive into what this life changing course is all about. We begin with…
You’ll get an overview of how the Ritual Magick Essentials works, why it is important, the different elements and forces, the basic rituals, and everything related to it.
Once you learned how to become aware of your subconscious, it’ll be easier for you to control your conscious mind and surroundings.
Be truly amazed about what the mind can do! Let the magic begin! Ceremonial Magic Overview, Basics Rituals, Theories, Macrocosm and Microcosm, History, Healing and Banishing Techniques, Psychic Energy, and More
We begin with an extremely important prequel Module… De-programming, this is like a toxin cleanse but magickally for the mind and soul to unshackle all that harmful programming that is holding you back and binding you. Time to release and embrace the influx of light that will bring you a fresh start and more rewarding life.

Module 1: Deprogramming
In this module, anthropologist Leslie McQuade and Rosicrucian Imperator David Griffin demystify how applied anthropology is used in television programming to implant opinions and beliefs into your world view that are not your own. The first step towards freedom is to become aware of the methods being used against you.

In this module, you will discover…
You have been unknowingly brainwashed from birth. Here is how it happenned…
We reveal to YOU the very first thing you need to do in order to break this brainwashing dilemma
Explore the strangest quality of the human mind
What you Must be aware of – TV mind programming
What is the two edged sword for humanity?
How Social Media and the entertainment industry have been weaponized to bind you and the rest of humanity.

Module 2 : Ritual Magick 101
Alpha Ωmega Bishop David Griffin and Alexandrian Witch Queen Leslie McQuade bring the mysteries of Ritual Magick out of the shadows and break them down for you so that even beginners will understand.

In this module will…
Discover the true goal of Ritual Magick and the Hermetic tradition and why this is of definite value to you
Explore the crucial correspondences you must first know and learn
What the similarities of Ritual Magick, Tai chi chuan, Chi kung are explained
The vital importance of consistency in magickal practice, failing to practice is practicing for failure…Master this and miracles will be at your fingertips
Why you must never overdo it nor under do it…here is why and here’s how you can reach the perfect balance and go all the way to greater heights
The importance of Sunlight and the Treasury of Light, this is how its supposed to be, see why

Module 3: Ritual Magick Unveiled
In this module, David Griffin and Anthropologist Leslie McQuade demystify what Ritual Magick is REALLY all about, together with its unique place in the world’s great initiatic traditions.

In this module you will discover:
Initiatic traditions, the similarities and differences explained
Should you mix traditions? Yes? No? or how? The answer is inside
Cultural Symbols and the psychic ramifications
What is Ritual Magick and how does it work at its best? You need to know this
What is the Ritual Magick Manual?
The elaborate symbol system of Ritual Magick, its unique distinct special grammar covered here and why it is simply magnificent

Module 4: How To Begin With Ritual Magick
Getting started with Ritual Magick can be confusing, especially if you are trying to learn from a pile of books. In this module, David and Leslie cut through the jungle of nonsense for you and show you how to make rapid spiritual progress without getting lost in a labyrinth of useless books.

Here is a sampling of what you will learn in this foundational module…
Which Rituals You Must Learn First! ASAP – and why?
What to do if you have little time to spare – We map out a work around for You!
Why most people fail and why? Here is how to guarantee you won’t
What if you don’t have a dedicated space to practice Ritual Magick? Here are a few excellent suggestions
What happens to you once you begin practicing Ritual Magick? This Major benefit will make you want to amp up your practice even more

Module 5: Ritual Magick Essential Skills
Learn how to harness solar God-Force energy to fuel your Magick as we continue our exploration of the fundamentals of Ritual Magick with Leslie and David.

In this module, you will discover…
What is the God-Force energy and how to harness it
Learn how the God-Force energy beneficially impacts your life
Why vibration is key in Ritual Magick (you will learn it right here)
Water, Sunlight and consciousness.–What these 3 concepts teach you of importance in Ritual Magick
How to tell for sure if the Magical path is for you–This may surprise you

Module 6: Secrets Of Rosicrucian Magick
In this module, David Griffin and Leslie McQuade reveal the Rosicrucian method of “Magical Soul Activation” by reconnecting with the LVX (God-Force) energy, then systematically awakening the cosmic forces (elemental, planetary, and zodiacal) in your energetic body.

In this module, you will…
Discover the Great Work of the Hermetic, Rosicrucian, and Golden Dawn traditions.
What does it mean to become “more than human?”
What is High Magick and What is Low Magick, the difference laid out for you
What is meant by Star Fire? And the Divine spark?
Invoking and banishing, which should you master first and why?
What does the Rose Cross Ritual do?
Find out how High Magick benefits you enormously Spiritually

Module 7: Rosicrucian Magick Unveiled
Rosicrucian Imperator David Griffin and Cancellaria Leslie McQuade unveil the Rosicrucian Trinisophia, the triad of traditional Rosicrucian spiritual practices used to achieve conscious immortality: Magick, Alchemy, and Qabalah.

Some of the factors to consider are…
Learn about the time proven system of developing your energetic body- It’s effective but gentle
Why is the Middle Pillar essential for you to perform
The secret Fires of the Body Revealed
Rosicrucian Qabalah, Alchemy & Key spiritual lessons outlined

Module 8: Ritual Magick East vs West
David and Leslie discuss commonalities in spiritual methods and practices used in great initiatic traditions; whether the Hermetic or Rosicrucian methods here in the West, or Taoist or Tantric practices in the East.

Some of the most important things you will learn in this module are…
A closer look at Chi Kung/Qiqong and Hermetic Magick
What are the commonalities between Eastern and Western magick?
The Taoist tradition and the Hermetic tradition, important contributions found in these two systems that are important for you to know
What is meant by ‘’The Middle Way”’ in Magick?
Find out the intricacies of these two powerful, different yet amazingly similar Magical Systems and how you can best use them to your advantage

Module 9: Soul Awakening
Rosicrucian Imperator David Griffin and anthropologist Leslie McQuade discuss the Western method of Ritual Magick to grow your light body to awaken on the Inner Planes and ascend to conscious immortality.

Some of what you will learn in this module…
How does the LVX affect you? and what is it exactly?
Soul Awakening Ritual Magick, Tai chi chuan and Chi kung re explored
The Garbage in Garbage out concept that you must be aware of
Building your light suit is essential- what is it? We reveal all including the How to

Module 10: Magick & Vibration
In this module, you will learn the importance of vibration in Ritual Magick and what to so if you have no place to practice alone. Discover the alternative of vibrating magical names only inwardly, its advantages and limitations.

Here is some of what you will discover in this essential module…
Letting down your guard at the workplace–Why this is a big mistake
Camouflaging your protection spells
Visualizations and gestures you should use
The consequences of randomly cursing
Magick resources you should use ASAP

Module 11: Astrological Magick
The big drawback to astrology is that you are limited by your Horoscope. But what if you could take destiny in your own hands by actually changing your horoscope. This is the actual purpose of Astrological Magick. In this module, David and Leslie show you how transform your horoscope with Ritual Magick.

In this module, you will discover…
What is invocation? Find out as we explain in detail
Invoking the elements, planets and signs of the zodiac -amazing stuff! All right here
Charging your energetic body with steps for protection
The Astral Moths-Just exactly what are they?
Using Astrological Magick to Manifest!
How to use Ritual Magick to take charge of your destiny and transform your Horoscope completely-You WILL want to do this!

Module 12: Magick & Nutrition
David and Leslie unveil the importance of diet, nutrition, and fasting in Magick, including simple changes you can make to get noticeable results in your Magick.

In this module, discover …
Is fasting of benefit in Magick? Here’s the definitive answer
Hydrofluorosilicic Acid -what is it and the extreme harm it can cause you and your pineal gland
Iodine/halogen and removing toxins from your body
How a magickal diet is essential to you as a ritual magician, both physically and magically
Why you should install an osmosis water filter asap
Don’t let them poison you, what you must know now about the poisoning of our food supply
Which dietary supplements can enhance magical power immediately.

Module 13: Magical Will
What is your “magical will” and what role does it play in manifesting more of what you want in life? What is the Divine Spark and how does this Hermetic truth relate to magical will and to manifestation power? Join David and Leslie in this module for a fascinating exploration of these topics and more, including how to apply magical will in action.

In this module, David and Leslie share with you…
The absolute importance of developing your magical will now!
Manifestation and the Magical Will- the vital connection explored
How You can apply Magical Will in action- During your Rituals
How to Symbolically apply your Will in Ritual Magick
A simple but effective method to remember your dreams and why this is especially important for you as a Magician
What is the “Divine Spark?” And why you must nurture it whilst still incarnated, we reveal yet another hidden key to the puzzle of life

Module 14: Spirit Vision
Discover the Rosicrucian method of Spirit Vision for awakening on the Inner Planes so you can survive physical death. Learn the differences between Rosicrucian Spirit Vision and other forms of visionary experience, such as Psychosynthesis, Shamanic Journey, or New Age channelling.

In this module, you will discover…
The Magickal Spirit Vision method for awakening on the inner planes
How to perform the lower Astral Spirit Vision method effectively
How to test visions and the beings you meet and why this is important
The invocation you must perform first before Spirit Vision can take place -What is it? We show you!
How to become a multidimensional magician and what this ultimately means for you

Module 15: The Golden Dawn God-Forms Method
Discover the astonishing power of one of the Golden Dawn’s most valuable methods, the “Assumption of God-Forms.” With this ancient Hermetic method, you can add untold power to your Magick.

Among the mysteries you will discover…
Why the Golden Dawn God-form Assumption technique is THE MOST IMPORTANT magickal technique of them all-and here is why YOU must master it!
How to properly perform the God-form Assumption magickal technique
How the LVX energy or God-force energy feels like
How to Turbocharge your magick using the Egyptian pantheon of God-forms

Module 16: Astral Projection
Discover why techniques you read in astral projection books won’t work, and what it really takes to achieve true astral projection. Learn how Spirit Vision can train you for true Astral Projection, and how these avoid the pitfalls of delusion and ego inflation that plague New Age channelling.

In this module, David and Leslie reveal…
The trap of becoming an armchair magician, here’s how to ensure you don’t
What exercises you should do for guaranteed Astral projection
How you can use Spirit Vision as a training tool for Astral Projection
How to become conscious in your Astral body
What Ascending Masters do when it is their time to leave this earth plane – Revealed
The real purpose and objective of astral projection – what is it? This will blow you away when you see it

Module 17: Magick & Spirits
Have you ever been intrigued by a magical Grimoire? Many of them contain books of Spirits, each with a traditional intention. In this module, David and Leslie reveal what Spirit Magick is, what Spirits really are and what differentiates Spirit Magick from other kinds of Magick like Spells.

In this module, you will discover…
The Classical Grimoires and Spirits
What is Spirit Magick? You are given a front row seat to find out here
Is it more effective to enlist spirit help with all low magick or save them for serious workings only -we bring you the definite answer you have wanted to know all along
How to use Grimoires to get entities to manifest things for you
What is the charm jar? And how is it similar to a Grimoire?

Module 18: Astral Nasties
In this module, David and Leslie discuss the unpleasant side of the Astral Plane, from Astral Nasties attracted to the light of Ritual Magick, to ‘Archons’ or ‘Larvae’ that feed on the energy of negative emotions. We also teach you how to protect yourself from them!

Among what you will unearth in this sumptuous module….
What exactly are Astral Nasties? And should you be concerned?
How the Archons are what you Must be careful of
How to banish negativity – You will thank us later for this simple method
How the LBRP ritual benefits you against these astral nasties
A method to ensure Astral Nasties and Archons can’t bother you-revealed for the first time ever!

Module 19: Israel Regardie’s Magical Tools
In this module, you learn the importance of magical tools in your daily Ritual Magick practice. David and Leslie share with you the magical tools created by Golden Dawn luminary, Dr. Israel Regardie.

In this module, you will uncover…
Is it really important to make your own Ritual tools yourself?
What significance does the material the dagger is made out of make?
We reveal Israel Regardies Magickal tools and how they were constructed
The one big mistake Israel Regardie made with the water cup and what you should do instead
How you can tell for certain when you are ready to add more to your Magickal tool set
How to get the best magickal training in the world… bar none

Now that you have seen all these amazing video lessons and transcripts you will gain access to …that make up this groundbreaking Spellcasting Essentials course…
That’s 19 full fledged modules covering every aspect of your magickal practice, and how to apply it into your life.
Just Imagine….
Imagine waking up in the morning with a smile on your face, knowing that you are in your full power, and anything that comes into your life today will be great.
Imagine being 100% sure a Spell will work the moment you cast it, knowing anything you ask for will come into your life.
Imagine the sound of your lover whispering in your ear “good morning” before getting up to make you breakfast.
Imagine what it would be like to travel the world, and see everything you’ve always dreamed of.
Imagine what it will taste like to feast like a king, and sample morsels reserved for royalty.
It’s all possible when you start with Spellcasting Essentials today!
“Thank you for another outstanding course in magick, this one was just what I needed!”
-Tina Southerland – Huyton, UK
This Could be the Most Important Time in Your Life
Since you’ve made it this far, I can tell that Spellcasting Essentials is calling to you.
It reveals the truth about what holds you back.
It helps you discover who you are.
It unlocks tremendous energy held in your emotions, and beliefs and will, to turn you into a magnet to manifest all that you desire through effective Spells.
Spellcasting Essentials is the most important foundational course that gives you the solid titanium structure that guarantees success in Magick and in Life.
Open the floodgates of Health, Love, Abundance, Wealth and power through Spellcasting.
Get access to the natural laws of Magick and success to create the life you want.
Welcome magical miracles to flow into your life, time and time again through Spellcasting Essentials.

Failure Is Not An Option You Can Afford In Today’s World – Is It?
But answer this question honestly: “What would happen if you experienced a time you absolutely relied on a Spell to work? And it failed you in the worst possible moment like what happened to Chi Jiao Di?”
Could you afford that to happen?
Think about this carefully…because if the answer is no and you are truly willing to do what it takes…
… to propel your Spellcasting to an unimagined level of success, whether you are a beginner or more seasoned Magician, Witch, Spellcaster…
Then Spellcasting Essentials may be just what you need during these uncertain times…where failure is not an option…

When Life Brings You Unexpected Challenges, Will You Be Prepared?
When Chi Jiao Di took naps on the mountain, he never dreamed his life would soon depend on essential skills he failed to master.
Why should you hurry and level up your magical skills ASAP?
Well, have you noticed how much things changed in the blink of an eye in 2020? And where we are now?
Did that catch you for surprise and throw you for a loop?
That is reason enough…the unprepared were sent through a rough ride that many have yet to even remotely recover.
The prepared however, and I mean this humbly but factually, did just fine!
If you were shaken up by the events of 2020, and many events at that…
Never allow the rug to be pulled from under you ever again…
Learn Spellcasting Essentials and good Magick will serve you well to navigate through even the toughest of times…
No more being caught unprepared…
This is where knowing solid Magick can be of an extreme advantage to you. It is your light when darkness suddenly descends upon everyone else.
Here’s Everything You Get When You Order Spellwork Essentials Right Now
Have we included everything you need?
When you enroll in Spellcasting Essentials, you get 19 Life-changing practical and secret revealing videos inside our private course website, plus 19 full color transcripts waiting for you to crack open and benefit from…
This ground breaking system is a combination of secret knowledge lectures revealing insights, “must know” information, key advice and practical how to lessons.

(full-color all digital edition)
This Brand NEW! Spellcasting Essentials course lists for $294 on our website, which is more than fair considering the years of research and masses of content we packed into this course.
But You Don’t Need To Pay This Much!
As a valued subscriber of our mailing list, we can for a limited time offer to you our best offer yet… because we want you to gain full access to the entire Spellcasting Essentials course for an insanely low price of…
Not $294 but just $147
That’s 1/2 OFF regular price.
This is your best shot to get our easy-to-master, results producing Spellcasting Essentials course for only $147.
But Act Now Because This Special Discounted Offer Ends In...
Click The Button Below Right Now To Get Started With Spellcasting Essentials Today!
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Give this amazing course a try and if for any reason within sixty days you are not completely satisfied, simply let us know and we will refund you 100% with no questions asked.
100% satisfied. It’s got a lot of white magic and unique energy that will open you up to broadening your horizons Cyril Alfonse – New Mexico USA
But wait! There is more…
FREE! Super Bonus:
Tarot Essentials
4 Module Magical Tarot Course!

Today–As a super bonus for purchasing Ritul Magick Essentials, you also get the highly sought after Tarot Essentials 4 module course (a $150 value) completely Free!
All of us deserve to live fully prosperous lives, although complete prosperity still eludes many of us. To become fully prosperous, it takes more than just wealth. Love, health, vitality, and good fortune are also equally as important. Having become fabulously prosperous in each of these arenas in our own lives, Leslie and I designed this revolutionary course to share some of the secrets of our personal prosperity with you.
Let’s take a closer look at everything you get …

Module 1: The Tarot & Magick
Discover the esoteric origins of the Tarot. The most popular tarot decks today come from the in Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn through its early members. Learn the difference between the commonly known Celtic cross tarot spread and the Golden Dawn Tarot, which is astonishingly accurate in illuminating any life situation.

In this module, you will discover…
The Golden Dawn Magical Tarot Deck explained
Waite vs Crowley vs The Golden Dawn–we make a startling comparison
How is the Golden Dawn Tarot specifically Unique? We show you
A closer look at Leslies First Golden Dawn Deck and how she customized it…takes notes on this! You will want to know this
Regardie and the Wang deck-what really happened
What do the verses in the Picatrix have to do with the Golden Dawn Tarot? Discover secret card meanings most don’t know.

Module 2: Golden Dawn Tarot
David Griffin and Leslie McQuade introduce you to the fundamentals of Golden Dawn: the five Spreads (Elemental, Houses, Signs, Decanates, and Tree of Life spreads). and the three Operations (preponderances, journeying, pairing).

This amazing module includes….
What are the Golden Dawn Tarot 5 Secret Major sections of 5 Major operations?
Regular Tarot vs Magickal Golden Dawn Tarot
Why is the horseshoe spread used in Golden Dawn Tarot work?
The purpose of the Major Arcana and pip cards explained

Module 3: Dignity In Golden Dawn Tarot
Unlike in popular tarot card readings, in Golden Dawn tarot there are no “reversed” cards of meaning when cards are seen upside down in a reading. Instead, Golden Dawn tarot uses “dignity” to alter or color the meaning of cards. Whereas other tarot systems give you only black and white shades of meaning depending on whether a card is right side up or upside down, Golden Dawn tarot gives you an entire artist’s palette of subtlety of meaning. David and Leslie show you how this works.

Among what we cover in this groundbreaking module…
What is the No.1 prime difference between Golden Dawn Tarot cards and regular Tarot cards
What is meant by dignity in Golden Dawn tarot? We explain this core concept
What is the Tree of Life reading and why do you need to begin with it?
Is it necessary when doing a reading with the Golden Dawn tarot to ask the person whom you are doing the reading, for their question? This answer might surprise you…
The key secrets to a successful Golden Dawn tarot reading – Revealed to you right here

Module 4: Secrets of Golden Tarot Revealed
Here is where the rubber meets the road. In this module, David and Leslie teach you the Golden Dawn Tarot Tree of Life spread. This spread is the most useful to learn for beginners, because it shows you the final outcome of any question or situation.

In this lesson, you will learn…
What is the No.1 prime difference between Golden Dawn Tarot cards and regular Tarot cards
What is meant by dignity in Golden Dawn tarot? We explain this core concept
What is the Tree of Life reading and why do you need to begin with it?
Is it necessary when doing a reading with the Golden Dawn tarot to ask the person whom you are doing the reading, for their question? This answer might surprise you…
The key secrets to a successful Golden Dawn tarot reading – Revealed to you right here

Extra Bonus: Self-Initiation
(Rare Footage of David Griffin From MagickAll 2016)

Self-Initiation Bonus Module
In 2016, Alpha Ωmega Mystery School organized a symposium of Magick with speakers from a myriad of traditions. On that occasion, David Griffin spoke on the possibility of Self-Initiation through Ritual Magick.

In this module, you will learn…
See Rare footage of David Griffin from the famous 2016 Magickall event
Why Golden Dawn Magick is so special
Find out what the focus of Golden Dawn Magick is
The Magick of spiritual ascension and spiritual development is found within the Golden Dawn system – Learn all about this in this fascination bonus module
What is the practice of Theurgy? And what is it designed to achieve for the Magician?
Self-Initiation and solitary practice -What it entails and how to achieve it.

Spellcasting Essentials Is Only For The Courageous At Heart…
So…Be courageous and enroll in Spellcasting Essentials now!
When you enroll today…
You get the complete Spellcasting Essentials course with 19 Life-changing practical and secret revealing videos plus 19 full color transcripts.
You get the life changing Prosperity Magick bonus course including 5 essential videos and 5 full color transcripts revealing everything you need to know to overcome obstacles and truly prosper.
In other words. you get all of this…

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I did it! I used what I learnt in Ritual Magick Essentials to achieve the results I wasn’t getting from other types of magick! Especially with all the mess happening here now- Totally happy, and truly grateful ! Kevin Randle – Chicago USA
Q: What is so special about learning Ritual Magick?
A: With Ritual Magick you will learn what is possible with magick, you will learn the influences, similarities, and differences between Golden Dawn magic and the magic of druidism and Witchcraft, between the various systems of magick and the path of spirituality between the magick of the East and West and Shamanism. You’ll discover the nature and beginnings of The Magick of Spirits, the Tarot, Astral projection, High and low magick…Ritual Magick will help you tie everything together more efficiently than ever thought possible.
Q: I have tried many systems of magick I am not sure about another one, or what each does, how can Ritual Magick be any different or help?
A: In Ritual Magick Essentials you will gain a definitive overview of various forms of ritual magick and magick systems. A huge benefit is that the beginner or intermediate magician will now be better able to decide what direction they would like to go.
Q: What is Ritual Magick all about and can I expect results quickly or will it take a long time?
A: There have been many ways to explain magick, but none quite as complete as found in the Ritual Magick Essentials Course. We show the truth behind magick through the various styles and types. In many ways magic is ineffable, or at the very least difficult to explain. We have not shrunk from the task of giving a solid grounding in what magick is really all about. And we give you the tools and direction to practice so you produce results fast! And I mean really fast!